Dental Hygiene and Overall Health:  Why it’s Important to See a Dentist.

Dental Hygiene and Overall Health: Why it’s Important to See a Dentist.

Good oral and dental hygiene will help prevent tooth decay, bad breath and gum disease, but did you also know that good oral care can help prevent other diseases and conditions, and that a dentist can often spot a health problem before you even know it exists?  Research is showing there are plenty of reasons to brush, floss and see a dentist beyond a healthy smile.

Without proper dental hygiene practices, bacteria from the mouth could spread through the bloodstream and cause endocarditis, an infection of the inner lining of the heart. Some research also suggests that cardiovascular disease may also be linked to inflammation and infections that oral bacteria can cause.  Gum disease has also been linked to low birth weights and premature births in pregnant women. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016)

Conversely, your dentist can sometimes spot health problems with you or a loved one before you know you have them such as dementia, osteoporosis, heart problems, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD and even eating disorders. (Everyday Health, 2013) This makes regular dental visits even more valuable!

Seeing a dentist twice a year should be a part of everyone’s overall health plan, not just for a healthy mouth and smile, but also for a healthy body.  Between dental visits, you can ensure you’re doing your part by:

  • Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing daily
  • Eating a balance diet and limiting sugar intake
  • Avoiding tobacco use


We can’t stress the importance of good dental hygiene enough, and recommend seeing your dentist twice a year in conjunction with proper home care.  Your health and well-being is important to us.  If you don’t already have a dentist, or are looking for a new dentist, you can trust us to help you find one of the top dentists in the area by going to our referring dentist page.

Referring Dentists


Oral health: A window to your overall health. (2016, April 30). Retrieved January 25, 2017, from

7 Health Problems Your Dentist Can Spot. (2013, January 22). Retrieved January 25, 2017, from

Salute to Smiles Restores Dental Health & Confidence

Salute to Smiles Restores Dental Health & Confidence

Salute to Smiles Logo

We are so happy to announce the return of Salute to Smiles, a program designed to connect area dentists with military backgrounds and local veterans in order to provide necessary dental procedures at no charge.  Sadly, many veterans cannot afford the dental care they need. As a result, these veterans can suffer from health complications due to missing teeth – such as bone deterioration in the jaw and malnourishment from the inability to chew nutritious foods.  Salute to Smiles doesn’t just restore the dental health of these veterans, but it also restores their confidence by giving them their smile back.

Salute to Smiles began in 2015 and once again this year, 6 veterans will receive dental care at no charge as a result of this program.  We’re especially excited for this year’s program because we have our first female veteran participating.  Salute to Smiles 2016 was kicked off with an event hosted by John Maino, a veteran himself.  The event provided an opportunity for the veterans of last year’s program to meet the veterans of this year’s program as well as the surgeons, dentists and sponsors of Salute To Smiles.  Each veteran will then begin his or her care plan, and the necessary dental and oral surgery procedures will take place over the next 4-6 months.  

You can learn more about Salute to Smiles and watch the kick off party video here.  Stay tuned to our Facebook page for updates!

Salute to Smiles 2016/2017 Veterans

Salute to Smiles 2016/2017 Veterans.  Front row left to right:  Allen Largo and Gerald “Gerry” Kidd.
Back row left to right: Thomas “Mike” Wightman, Brian Wautier and Barbra Hass.  
Not pictured:  James Chown.

Reducing Stress City-Wide: Bay Oral’s Wellness Symposium

Reducing Stress City-Wide: Bay Oral’s Wellness Symposium

Bay Oral Surgery - City-Wide Wellness Symposium

The ability to manage stress, emotions and conflict is important in all industries, but it’s even more critical in the medical industry because patients can be fearful of procedures, concerned with insurance coverage and payment options and already dealing with additional medical issues that could compound his or her stress level.

As medical professionals, we cannot not take this stress personally or allow it to create conflict within our practice.  We understand this can be very challenging which is why we are hosting a city-wide wellness symposium for area dental professionals. Our goal is to not only learn how to better manage stress and conflict ourselves, but also to share this knowledge with the dental community of Northeast Wisconsin to benefit all oral surgery patients in Green Bay.

At this City-Wide Wellness Symposium, the following presenters will share their knowledge with dental professionals, administrative and clinical team members:

  • Employee Resource Center Presents: Resolving Conflict & Emotional Intelligence
  • Bellin Health Presents: Managing Stress & Mindfulness / Meditation in the Workplace

Bay Oral is not only committed to the health of dental patients in Northeast Wisconsin, but also to the wellness of the area’s dental community.  You can read more about the event at  For updates and photos of the event, stay tuned to our Facebook page.

Announcing: Bay Oral’s City-Wide Clinical Dental Symposium 2016

Announcing: Bay Oral’s City-Wide Clinical Dental Symposium 2016

Continuing education is especially important in medical fields where technology and techniques are constantly evolving and improving. At Bay Oral Surgery and Implant Center, staying on the cutting edge allows us to better serve our patients by providing them with the best care possible.

Child with dental assistant

Once again we’re taking that commitment to learning and to our community even further. On September 16th we will be hosting a city-wide clinical symposium for area dental professionals. Our goal is to foster conversation and spread knowledge beyond our doors to benefit all oral surgery patients in Green Bay.

This symposium is made possible by these wonderful sponsors: Coverall, Dental Crafters, Dental Health Products, Inc., Heartland Business Systems, Finance System of Green Bay, Inc. and Schenck.  Nobel Biocare, Straumann and Dentsply are also generously sponsoring continuing education credits.

The following presenters will share their knowledge with dental professionals, administrative and clinical team members:

Headshot of Dr. Lewis Donald P. Lewis Jr., DDS, CFE, will lecture on medical emergencies in the dental office, as well as employee embezzlement and fraud protection, detection and prosecution.

 Lorraine Guth, President of Guth Dental Consulting, will explain the secrets to practice success through straightforward feedback, and also lead a breakout session on how to present dental treatment and dental implant options from a patient viewpoint.

Headshot of Amy Kinnamon Amy Kinnamon is a registered dental hygienist with 20 years experience in the dental industry including clinical practice, research, clinical education, marketing, inspirational speaking and writing.  She will be leading a breakout session on how to proceed after an implant is restored.

Bay Oral is committed to the health of not only our patients, but all dental patients in the Green Bay area. For updates and photos of the event, stay tuned to our Facebook page.

Summer is an Ideal Time To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed

Summer is an Ideal Time To Have Wisdom Teeth Removed


Although the days are getting shorter, it’s still hard to believe that summer will be coming to a close in just over a month.  With busy back to school schedules, now is the time schedule a wisdom tooth evaluation for your teenage children.

Since wisdom teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17-25, summer break is the ideal time to schedule an examination to evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and catch any potential problems before they arise.  Studies have shown that early evaluation and treatment can prevent complications and decrease the surgical risk involved with the procedure.  If wisdom teeth erupt, the tissue around them can become infected, and the pressure from the erupting wisdom teeth can crowd or even move the existing teeth. (All that money on braces down the drain!)  Most seriously, if wisdom teeth become impacted, tumors or cysts can form around them causing damage to other teeth or the jawbone.

If the evaluation reveals that an extraction is necessary, you will also have more scheduling flexibility and recovery time for your child by taking advantage of summer vacation for the procedure and healing time.  You can also avoid a frightening and painful medical emergency if your children attend school out of state.

You can learn more about wisdom teeth here.